Friday, May 31, 2019
Survive :: essays research papers
Key Word SURVIVALThe key word SURVIVAL is an acronym to be used as an immediate legal actiondrill to be performed at the outset of a wilderness excerption situation. Usethis simple phrase to jut out measures that will assist you in endure in thewilderness and returning to civilization. The Key Word SURVIVAL willprovide you with two of the most meaning(a) survival skills--the might toorganize yourself and the ability to stay calm. A. S stands for Size up the situation. (1) Consider your physical condition and perform any first avail required. (2) Concentrate your senses on getting a feel for the atomic number 18a. (3) Conduct an inventory of the equipment you have. (4) Begin planning. B. U stands for Undue haste performs waste. (1) Reacting without thinking or planning send word conduce in faulty decisions andcould result in your death. (2) Acting in haste, just for the sake of action, will make you careless. The congenital tendency in a stressful situation is to run. You must crucifythis tendency and think of your objectives. (3) If you act in haste, you may lose or forget equipment, you may not make asurvival plan, and you may beat disoriented and not know your location. Asa cultural group. Americans have little patience. Know this weakness if it isyour suffer particular Achilles heel. C. R stands for Remember where you are. (1) constantly knowing where you are on the map and how it relates to thesurrounding terrain is a principle no outdoorsman should violate. (2) If in a group, everlastingly know the location of the maps and compasses. (3) Guard against the natural tendency of allowing someone else to beresponsible for navigation. Always be aware of your route, regardless of themode of travel. (4) Whether you are in a base camp or on the move, you should always know thefollowing things (a) Direction or location of the nearest populated area. (b) Direction or location to the nearest major transfer artery (river, highway, railroad track, etc .) (c) Location of local water sources. D. V stands for Vanquish fear and panic. (1) Fear and panic are two of the greatest enemies in a survival situation. These are not unusual emotions. The secret is to recognize them and controlthem. (2) Fear, panic, and anxiety take their toll on the body. They divert neededenergy. (3) Many mountain have never been alone and without diversion. This couldsubject them to anxiety. (4) The best way to control fear in a survival situation is preparation,Survive essays research papers Key Word SURVIVALThe key word SURVIVAL is an acronym to be used as an immediate actiondrill to be performed at the outset of a wilderness survival situation. Usethis simple phrase to plan measures that will assist you in surviving in thewilderness and returning to civilization. The Key Word SURVIVAL willprovide you with two of the most important survival skills--the ability toorganize yourself and the ability to stay calm. A. S stands for Size up the situation. (1) Consider your physical condition and perform any first aid required. (2) Concentrate your senses on getting a feel for the area. (3) Conduct an inventory of the equipment you have. (4) Begin planning. B. U stands for Undue haste makes waste. (1) Reacting without thinking or planning can result in faulty decisions andcould result in your death. (2) Acting in haste, just for the sake of action, will make you careless. The natural tendency in a stressful situation is to run. You must overcomethis tendency and think of your objectives. (3) If you act in haste, you may lose or forget equipment, you may not make asurvival plan, and you may become disoriented and not know your location. Asa cultural group. Americans have little patience. Know this weakness if it isyour own particular Achilles heel. C. R stands for Remember where you are. (1) Always knowing where you are on the map and how it relates to thesurrounding terrain is a principle no outdoorsman should violate. (2) If in a group, always know the location of the maps and compasses. (3) Guard against the natural tendency of allowing someone else to beresponsible for navigation. Always be aware of your route, regardless of themode of travel. (4) Whether you are in a base camp or on the move, you should always know thefollowing things (a) Direction or location of the nearest populated area. (b) Direction or location to the nearest major transportation artery (river, highway, railroad track, etc.) (c) Location of local water sources. D. V stands for Vanquish fear and panic. (1) Fear and panic are two of the greatest enemies in a survival situation. These are not unusual emotions. The secret is to recognize them and controlthem. (2) Fear, panic, and anxiety take their toll on the body. They divert neededenergy. (3) Many people have never been alone and without diversion. This couldsubject them to anxiety. (4) The best way to control fear in a survival situation is preparation,
Explication of John Donnes The Flea Essay -- essays research papers
On the surface, John Donnes poem The Flea dramatizes the conflict between devil people on the issue of premarital sex, however, under the surface, the poem uses religious imagery to seduce the cleaning lady into having sex. The speaker in this poem is a man, who is strategically trying to convince a woman to have premarital sex with him through the conceit based on a flea, however, the coy lady has hence far yielded to his lustful desires. The speakers argument has the form of logic, which contradicts to its outrageous content. In the first stanza, the speaker wants his beloved lady to observe a flea and not think of anything else as he delivers his argument. A flea bites the speaker and his beloved causing their blood to mix, which, according to the narrator, is the same as having sex and creating a child. Then, the speaker explains to the woman that this mixing of blood is neither sinful nor shameful, or a loss of the womans maidenhead. He also explains that th ey have conceived a child a through the mixing of blood in the flea. He starts this stanza with a caesura in the middle of the line. For example the first line, Mark but this flea, and mark in this, has a definite pause between the words flea and and. The speaker pauses because he is trying to form some kind logic out of his argument for himself. The oratorical sense of smell of the poem is interwoven throughout all three stanzas with run-on lines, which makes the tempo of the poem seem as if the speaker was not trying to rhyme. Not having a conversational tone in the poem, would take away from some of the intimacy of the words. The reader has to read between the lines and stanzas, because actions take place in the blank spaces between them. We... ...e, lust, marriage, and even conceiving a child at the same level as the importance of a flea, which gives the poem an ironic and satirical tone. This poem showed the pure wit of John Donne. It is intriguing to loo k at, especially for the religious imagery and form. His analogy of killing a flea and having sex, allow him to simplify his argument, which makes this a work of genius. His word choice, form, and pulse all coincided with his major theme. I cannot help but to find this poem hilarious, flirtatious, and less serious than his other works because love, lust, marriage, and conceiving children is nowhere in comparison to a flea or killing one. I think Donne knew this, but through his wit he managed to make the correlation. Works Cited Donne, John. The Flea. The Norton Anthology of British Literature. 7th ed. 2000.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Office Of Tomorrow :: Technology Predicting Business Office Essays
The Office of TomorrowIn an increasing number of companies, traditional seat space is givingway to community areas and empty chairs as employees litigate from home, from theircars or from virtually anywhere. Advanced technologies and progressive HRstrategies make these alternative offices possible. hypothecate its 2 oclock on a Wednesday afternoon. Inside the dine roomof many nationwide offices, Joe Smith, manager of HR, is downing a sandwich andsoda while wade through reverberate and E- military post messages. In front of him is acomputerequipped with a fax-modemis plugged into a special port on the diningtable. The contents of his briefcase are spread on the table. As he siftsthrough a stack of paperwork and types responses into the computer, heperiodically picks up a cordless holler and places a call to a colleague orassociate. As he talks, he sometimes wanders across the room.To be sure, this isnt your ordinary corporate environment. Smithdoesnt pitch a permanent desk or wo rkspace, nor his own telephone. When heenters the ad agencys building, he checks out a portable Macintosh computer anda cordless phone and heads off to whatever nook or cranny he chooses. It mightbe the company library, or a common area under a bright window. It could even bethe dining room or Student Union, which houses punching bags, televisions and apool table. Wherever he goes, a network forwards mail and phone pages to him anda computer routes calls, faxes and E-mail messages to his assigned extension. Hesimply logs onto the firms computer system and accesses his security-protectedfiles.He is not tethered to a specific work area nor forced to function in anyp defined way. Joe Smith spends mornings, and even sometimes an entire day,connected from home via sophisticated voicemail and E-mail systems, as well up as apager. His work is process and task-oriented. As long as he reachs everything done,thats what counts. Ultimately, his productivity is greater and his job-satisfaction level is higher. And for somebody trying to get in touch with him,its easy. Nobody can tell that Joe might be in his car or sitting at homereading a stack of resumes in his pajamas. The call gets forwarded to himwherever hes working.Youve dependable entered the vast frontier of the virtual officea universein which leading-edge technology and new concepts redefine work and jobfunctions by enabling employees to work from virtually anywhere. The conceptallows a growing number of companies to change their workplaces in ways neverconsidered just a few years ago. Theyre scrapping assigned desks and
Eddie George :: essays research papers
The question for my report is, What impact has Eddie George had on sports. Eddie George scamed a big role in the world of football. He and Steve McNair led the Tennessee Titans to the Superbowl, but they lost. Eddie George was 8, incisively another young kid on the neighborhood playground who fantasized about winning the Heisman Trophy, when his mother, Donna, began to get his life in the order she wants him to grow up in. "Eddie would neer stop," said Donnas mother, Jean McCarthy, whose yard in suburban Abington Township, served as one of her grandsons playgrounds. "His friends would be saying, come on, Eddie, we gotta rest, we gotta rest, but Eddie would say, no, no, we gotta play, we gotta play. "He was always running," Jean McCarthy said. "No storm to me he turned out to be a running back."(7)As Eddie was growing up, he put team goals before his. He wanted to play football, he wanted to go to college by playing football, he wanted to win the Heism an Trophy, and he wanted to play in the pros. His mother Donna said, " to fulfill those goals, you start out to build up your character." She was the "architect" in the family. Eddie, 22, and his babe Leslie, 25, who works for an insurance company in suburban Philadelphia, grew up in a single farm household, after their mother separated in 1980 from their largely absentee father, also named Eddie. They were later divorced, and Donna said that Eddies relationship with his father remains distant. (5)However, "the single- parent" is misleading for despite the circumstances, Eddie and his sister were reared in a structured, loving and religious environment, not only by their mother, but by her parents Fred and Jean. Jean usually was there to help during the years that Donna worked twain and sometimes three jobs. She was determined to do more than make ends meat. Their mother was a very busy woman for the first nine years of Eddies life, she was a production m anager at Ford Aerospace during the day and a fashion model during the night. Later that year, she joined TWA to be a flight attendant and she leftfield Ford Aerospace. In later years as her children became more expensive, she also took on extra work as a product importer and banquet caterer. Donna didnt do the fashion shows every night, but when she did, she used to take Eddie and Leslie to work with her and have them finish their homework until it was time to go.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
My Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Statement of cultureal Goals and Philosophy Deciding to be nonplus a teacher was a tough ending for me to make. I origin onlyy was a vexation administration major and hoped to become an accountant, but I was unhappy in this field. After a few age of college in this field and taking these classes I got married and started my family. After I had my beautiful baby girl over two years ago I realized a nine to tail fin railway line every day with just a hope of a two week vacation in one case a year to spend duration with my family was not for me. The money aspect of an accounting degree sounded great but it just was not worth the measuring rod of time I would be outlay away from my family. This is when I realized the teaching profession is perfect for someone who wants to juggle a family and career. On pass of all, this I fill always love infantren and spending time with all types of children, even challenging ones. I love the possibility of influencing and affecting a child in a positive way. Our children is what the future tense will be made up of, so it is extremely important that the education our children receive is top of the soak up But I believe it is evenly important they receive a good teacher with high-pitched morals that can pass on these high morals just by their all around attitude. I believe it is important to always be positive as a teacher and to get along your students. A teacher always needfully to be caring so the children know their teacher is on that point because he or she wants to be there, not because they have to be there. If the teacher is caring I believe he or she may touch more lives. I hope my students feel they can come to me no matter what the problem is, whether it is individualised or about a subject in schooldays. I will always try to be there for my students and make special time for my students, during school or after school and on weekends. Being a teacher is a very s pecial job and in order to be a good and affective teacher you must be a special person.My Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Education Teaching Teachers EssaysMy Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Deciding to become a teacher was a tough decision for me to make. I originally was a business administration major and hoped to become an accountant, but I was unhappy in this field. After a few years of college in this field and taking these classes I got married and started my family. After I had my beautiful baby girl over two years ago I realized a nine to five job every day with just a hope of a two week vacation once a year to spend time with my family was not for me. The money aspect of an accounting degree sounded great but it just was not worth the amount of time I would be spending away from my family. This is when I realized the teaching profession is perfect for someone who wants to juggle a family and career. On top of all, this I have always loved children and spending time with all types of children, even challenging ones. I love the possibility of influencing and affecting a child in a positive way. Our children is what the future will be made up of, so it is extremely important that the education our children receive is top of the line But I believe it is equally important they receive a good teacher with high morals that can pass on these high morals just by their all around attitude. I believe it is important to always be positive as a teacher and to encourage your students. A teacher always needs to be caring so the children know their teacher is there because he or she wants to be there, not because they have to be there. If the teacher is caring I believe he or she may touch more lives. I hope my students feel they can come to me no matter what the problem is, whether it is personal or about a subject in school. I will always try to be there for my students and make special time for m y students, during school or after school and on weekends. Being a teacher is a very special job and in order to be a good and affective teacher you must be a special person.
Conduit Metaphor :: Conduit Metaphor Essays
Conduit Metaphor The idea of conduit metaphor can be found in the article Body, Brain, and Communication An discourse with George Lakeoff by Iain A. Boal. In this article the person interviewed is George Lakeoff a linguistics professor at University of California (Berkeley). Boal in this article discusses what the conduit metaphor really means and what significance it holds for common people. In this article, other aspect of conduit metaphor that is discussed includes communication on the World Wide Web. Conduit metaphor is a metaphor that describes communication between devil mediums. Conduit metaphor proposes that ideas are objects and are transferred via a pipeline. Although it has its own limitations, it is very important in our society, today. Let us begin by discussing how conduit metaphors discoverer, Michael Reddy, defined it. According to Reddy our major metaphor for communication can be derived from a general metaphor for mind in which ideas are considered as objects a nd thought as manipulation of objects fund acts as storage. So, ideas or objects can be retrieved from the memory. Taking this into consideration he came up with the theory of conduit metaphor which he described ideas as objects that can be put into words language was described by a Reddy as a container, and thus you send ideas in words over a conduit (a channel of communication) to someone else who then extracts the ideas from the words. So, it is implied that apprehension of an idea or concept is achieved intuitively in the brain and thus a better conduit leads to a better understanding of what is being said. Lots of examples can be found from our dialect, which are in accordance with this conduit metaphor theory. E.g. Did you get it, The professor stuffed our heads with so many things today, It went rightfulness over my headetc. are all examples that imply that something (an idea) was being sent out and the listener had to grab it. One thing that comes as an fast result of co nduit metaphor is that ideas can be extracted, and that it is possible for them to exist independently of people. This implies that meaning is a thing. This may seem like a very provocative idea to a common naive person. But it is true only in certain special circumstances and fails to work in certain cases. Lets stockpile an example. I emigrated from India to U.
Monday, May 27, 2019
American Political System and Philosophy Essay
The United States of America would rescue been completely different had the cornerstone Fathers been influenced by a different philosophical stream. Had democracy not been the cornerstone of the nation, Ameri pottys would not be enjoying the rights they hold up today. Democracy, in its literal meaning, suggests that the power of the state rests on its constituents and that, therefore, the fate of the country solely depends on its multitude. Without a democratic system, there will be no elections and no representations in the political arena.Since elections provide the direction for the people to constantly shape the course of the nations institutions through elected officials, the lack thereof deprives Americans of their right to steer their country towards the direction which they detect silk hat fits their needs. For the most part, the Founding Founders perfectly embodied the noble principle of democracy in three simple wordsWe the People. If the political philosophical sys tem of Thomas Hobbes became the foundation of America, Americans will be forced to surrender their rights to a single authority.In effect, Americans will be left powerless as the Leviathan would have now held and wielded the aggregate of all their rights. The limitation of the political philosophy of Hobbes is clearit does not recognize a large number of the rights of the people, more so their un conductable rights. Without recognizing the rights of the people, society becomes either lifeless or mechanical as individuals are forced to follow whatever the sitting authority dictates. In the society of Hobbes, Americans have no right to tell the regulationr what to do.In some cases, modern Americans are unable to convince their local officials to do as they are told by their constituents. Rather, some local officials play deaf and mute to the calls of their constituents to make certain actions that will favor the larger body politic instead of a few chosen elites. If the political ph ilosophy of John Stuart Mill became the foundation of America, the political system would have been chosen depending on the greatest good for the greatest number. In short, the political system will essentially be a Utilitarian system.In such a system, certain harms towards some Americans are permissible so long as the majority of the population is able to gain the best benefit. It then becomes clear that human rights violations are permissible if such violations would realize the best interest of the people. For example, the murder of thieves vigilante groups commit becomes acceptable because it reduces the possible sources of threats to life and property to most Americans. In the long run, the rule of law becomes parallel to the rule of the majority.Minorities who stand in opposition to the principles and ideals of the majority become powerless and are reduced to toothless citizens of the nation unable to change the social situation. Often beats, modern American culture reflects t he Utilitarian perspective. One compelling example is the time when African-Americans were racially discriminated. Their discrimination was left unattended to by the federal government at that time primarily because most of the American population such as the conservatives benefitted from the oppressionbenefit as in the context of their perception.I think the political philosophy of John Locke best reflects the formation of America as a nation. Locke primarily espouses the idea that men in the State of Nature would come together and transfer the power to punish transgressors to the government. Although the will of the majority requires all people to follow that will, the government plays the role of judge in times when offenses towards the people occur. The society make from convention of people comes with certain laws that guide the actions of all people and serve as an adjudicating force with the aid of judges.Today, much of Lockes political philosophy can be observed in America. The country has its own set of laws that guide the conducts of its citizens. Although the will of the majority is observed especially during elections, it does not necessarily deprive the minority of their rights and privileges in the society. As a matter of fact, American laws, in principle, do not discriminate between those who belong to the majority and those who are from the minority. All people are equal before the law.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Foundation and Empire 10. The War Ends
Lathan Devers felt definitely uncomfortable, and vaguely resentful. He had received his own decoration and withstood with mute stoicism the turgid oratory of the mayor which accompanied the slip of crimson ribbon. That had ended his share of the ceremonies, but, naturally, formality forced him to remain. And it was formality, chiefly the type that couldnt allow him to yawn noisily or to swing a foot comfortably onto a chair seat that made him long to be in space, where he belonged.The Siwennese delegation, with Ducem Barr a lionized member, signed the Convention, and Siwenna became the first province to commotion directly from the Empires political rule to the al-Qaidas economic one.Five Imperial Ships of the Line captured when Siwenna rebelled behind the lines of the Empires Border Fleet flashed overhead, huge and massive, detonating a roaring salute as they passed over the city.Nothing but drinking, etiquette, and small talk now.A voice called him. It was Forell the man who, Devers realized coldly, could buy twenty of him with a mornings profits but a Forell who now crooked a finger at him with genial condescension.He stepped out upon the balcony into the cool night wind, and bowed properly, while scowling into his bristling beard. Barr was there, too smiling. He said, Devers, youll have to come to my rescue. Im being accused of modesty, a horrible and thoroughly unnatural crime.Devers, Forell removed the fat cigar from the side of his mouth when he spoke, Lord Barr claims that your prompt to Cleons capital had nothing to do with the recall of Riose.Nothing at all, sir. Devers was curt. We never saw the Emperor. The reports we picked up on our way back concerning the trial, showed it up to be the purest frameup. on that point was a mess of rigmarole about the planetary being tied up with subversive interests at the court.And he was innocent?Riose? interposed Barr. Yes By the Galaxy, yes. Brodrig was a rat on general principles but was never guilty of the specific accusations brought against him. It was a judicial farce but a necessary one, a predictable one, an essential one.By psychohistorical necessity, I presume. Forell rolled the phrase sonorously with the humorous ease of long familiarity.Exactly. Barr grew serious. It never penetrated earlier, but once it was over and I could well construe at the answers in the back of the book, the problem became simple. We tolerate see, now, that the social background of the Empire makes wars of conquest impossible for it. Under weak Emperors, it is tom apart by generals competing for a worthless and surely death-bringing throne. Under strong Emperors, the Empire is frozen into a paralytic rigor in which disintegration apparently ceases for the moment, but unless at the sacrifice of all possible growth.Forell growled bluntly through strong puffs, Youre not clear, Lord Barr.Barr smiled slowly. I suppose so. Its the difficulty of not being adroit in psycho narration. Words are a p retty fuzzy substitute for mathematical equations. But lets see now-Barr considered, while Forell relaxed, back to railing, and Devers looked into the velvet sky and concept wonderingly of Trantor.Then Barr said, You see, sir, you and Devers and everyone no doubt, had the idea that beating the Empire meant first prying apart the Emperor and his general. You, and Devers, and everyone else were right right all the date, as far as the principle of inhering disunion was concerned.You were wrong, however, in thinking that this internal split was something to be brought about by individual acts, by inspirations of the moment. You tried bribery and lies. You appealed to desire and to fear. But you got nothing for all your pains. In fact, appearances were worse after each attempt. And through all this wild threshing up of tiny ripples, the Seldon tidal waver continued onward, quietly but quite irresistibly.Ducem Barr turned away, and looked over the railing at the lights of a rejoi cing city. He said, There was a dead stack pushing all of us the mighty general and the great Emperor my world and your world the dead hand of Hari Seldon. He knew that a man equal Riose would have to fail, since it was his success that brought failure and the greater the success, the surer the failure.Forell said dryly, I cant say youre getting clearer.A moment, continued Barr earnestly. Look at the situation. A weak general could never have endangered us, obviously. A strong general during the time of a weak Emperor would never have endangered us, either for he would have turned his arms towards a much more fruitful target. Events have shown that three-fourths of the Emperors of the last two centuries were rebel generals and rebel viceroys before they were Emperors.So it is only the combination of strong Emperor and strong general that can harm the Foundation for a strong Emperor can not be dethroned easily, and a strong general is forced to turn outwards, past the frontiers.Bu t, what keeps the Emperor strong? What kept Cleon strong? Its obvious. He is strong, because he permits no strong subjects. A courtier who becomes too rich, or a general who becomes too popular is dangerous. All the recent history of the Empire proves that to any Emperor intelligent enough to be strong.Riose won victories, so the Emperor grew suspicious. All the atmosphere of the times forced him to be suspicious. Did Riose refuse a bribe? Very suspicious ulterior motives. Did his near trusted courtier suddenly favor Riose? Very suspicious ulterior motives. It wasnt the individual acts that were suspicious. Anything else would have done which is why our individual plots were unnecessary and rather futile. It was the success of Riose that was suspicious. So he was recalled, and accused, condemned, murdered. The Foundation wins again.Look, there is not a conceivable combination of events that does not result in the Foundation winning. It was inevitable whatever Riose did, whatever we did.The Foundation magnate nodded ponderously. So But what if the Emperor and the general had been the same person. Hey? What then? Thats a case you didnt cover, so you havent proved your point yet.Barr shrugged. I cant prove anything I havent the mathematics. But I appeal to your reason. With an Empire in which every aristocrat, every strong man, every pirate can aspire to the Throne and, as history shows, often successfully what would happen to even a strong Emperor who preoccupied himself with foreign wars at the extreme end of the Galaxy? How long would he have to remain away from the capital before somebody raised the standards of civil war and forced him home. The social environment of the Empire would make that time short.I once told Riose that not all the Empires strength could swerve the dead hand of Hari Seldon.Good Good Forell was expansively pleased. Then you imply the Empire can never threaten us again.It seems to me so, agreed Barr. Frankly, Cleon may not live out t he year, and theres going to be a disputed succession almost as a matter of course, which might mean the last civil war for the Empire.Then, said Forell, there are no more enemies.Barr was thoughtful. Theres a Second Foundation.At the other end of the Galaxy? Not for centuries.Devers turned suddenly at this, and his face was dark as he faced Forell. There are internal enemies, perhaps.Are there? asked Forell, coolly. Who, for instance?People, for instance, who might like to spread the wealth a bit, and keep it from concentrating too much out of the hands that work for it. understand what I mean?Slowly, Forells gaze lost its contempt and grew one with the anger of Devers own.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Theories of Leadership
Professional and Staff maturement FSPSD200 leaders Theory Simplified Allisen Penn Assistant Professor Leadership Development jut attractionship philosophy abounds in our culture today. Book stores have shelves full of book of accounts on leader ship. Leaders and leaders be discussed daily on tele vision, radio, newspapers, magazines and on the web. As a result, m whatsoever mixed messages about leadership be shewed. So how do you decide what is accurate? Read the inside cover of a leadership book and you whitethorn find that the book is more about manage ment and business than leadership. A agazine or newspaper may just express the opinion of a famous person about leadership. While the perspective of a well-known leader or the insight offered in a book may be valuable, you may want to ask is this information supported by research? An understanding of the existing leadership research may sponsor you shape your own opinion about what is good leadership. Once you determine w hat is good leader ship, you can begin to develop your own leadership approach. atomic number 18 Is Our Campus Visit our web site at http//www. uaex. edu What is leadership? There argon almost as many definitions of leader hip as there atomic number 18 books and opinions about leadership. You may want to define leadership for yourself. Write your definition of leadership A commonly accepted definition of leadership is a subroutine applyd by an respective(prenominal) to influence a group of members toward a common goal (Bass, 1990 Howell and Costley, 2001). Maxwell (1993) simply states that leadership is influence. The next overview of leadership theories is mean to provide a synopsis of just about of the research conducted on leadership in the last 50 years. There is a list of suggested reading (page 4) to cooperate you learn more about the theories hat appeal to you. University of Arkansas, United States De softenment of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating Seve n Common Views of Leadership Describe below There are some common beliefs, which include both fact and fiction, about leadership that can be summarized into seven views of leadership (Lee and King, 2001). 1. The Genetic View Some people are natural with leadership talents and others are not. Only certain people can learn to lead effectively they are naturals. If you do not have this inwrought talent, there is nothing you can do. 2. The Learned View If you study leadership arefully and practice, you can learn to be an effective leader, no matter whom you are. In a sense, this is the opposite of the genetic view. This view is common in the military and among leadership development professionals. 3. The Heroic View The only good leaders are those who exercise courageous, wise and compas sionate feats that the light of us cant. Think of the movie roles played by Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne. The perception is that this is the type of leaders who get the rest of us ou t of trouble. 4. The Top-Only View Leadership only happens at or close to the top of an organization.Everyone else just follows orders. If you are not the boss, you are nothing. If you are the boss, you are everything anyone could wish for. Being the boss is the ultimate goal. 5. The Social Script View When it is your proper turn to be the leader, you will be asked. When asked, you should accept and be grateful. aft(prenominal) all, not everyone is asked. This approach is common in professional associations and civic or community organizations. 6. The Position View If you are in the job and have the title, you are a leader. This idea is tradi tional in bureaucracies and highly structured rganizations and carries some validity even in the most effective systems. If your title is phrased director of or genius of, your leadership virtues are assumed. 7. The Calling View Although not necessarily a religious experience, a call to lead can be quite compelling. This invention sugge sts that leaders have a sense of mission or purpose. Do any of these salutary familiar to you? Which one of these viewpoints have you experienced? Every leader is different, and no single theory works for all leaders. Begin to develop your own leadership approach by learning more about the following leadership theories. Great man Trait Behavioral Contingency Transactional Transformational Great Man. Researchers who support the Great Man theory believe that people are born to leadership. This may include members of royalty, high-ranking military officers and industry heads. Today, many people still hold this traditional belief, and even though this theory may sound oldfashioned, research suggests that some people have personality traits, demeanours and knowledge that lend themselves to leadership (Yaverbaum and Sherman, 2008). Studying famous royal, military or industry leaders may provide you with some tools that help ou develop your own leadership abilities. Trait Theory. Si milar to the Great Man theory, Trait theory suggests that the characteristics or the personality of a person may make them an effective leader. Several academics believe that potential leaders can be spotted by studying the personality traits of the individual and matching them to the characteristics of actual leaders. Trait theory was almost abandoned by leadership practitioners as leadership research evolved, but in the past a few(prenominal) years, there has been a renewed interest and more research related to Trait theory. Leadership traits include physical or background raits, personal or ability traits and/or task or social traits such as Articulate Committed Decisive Determined Educated Energetic Integrity comprehension Persistence Responsible Social Social Status Self-Confident James Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge, interviewed 75,000 people to identify the top ten characteristics needed in a leader. Their list includes the followi ng characteristics Broad-minded Competent Dependable Fair-minded Forward-looking Honest Inspiring Intelligent Supportive Straightforward All of these characteristics are not personality raits. Many researchers say you dont have to be born with all of these traits. In fact, you can develop some of these characteristics as part of your personal leadership approach. Behavioral Theory. Behavior theory focuses on what an effective leader does. Leadership is not something you are born with, nor do you need a set of commonly accepted traits. However, effective leader ship is dependent on the the right way behavior. Researchers proposed that for a leader to be effective, their behavior must motley with the situation. In other words, you can learn how to act like a leader. that match their ability.The leader provides coaching, direction, motivation and rewards for the followers. Situational Theory recommends that different situations call for different kinds of leadership. This calls for the leader to change their style to the abilities of their followers. Transactional Theory. Transactional leadership requires that the leader and follower agree to a contract. The follower is responsible for following orders to perform a task. The leader, in turn, gives rewards for following orders in completing the task. Transactional leadership suggests that people only complete tasks when there are external rewards.However, many people accomplish tasks and reach goals because of their own internal motivation. Transformational Theory. Transformational leadership is a process in which the leader engages others, builds trust and creates a connection that increases the motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower. (Northouse, 2001). A trans formational leader focuses on others and their needs in order to help them reach their potential. In many ways, transformational leadership is about a leaders ability to create a vision related to a goal that has meaning for both the leader and follower.Personalizing Leadership Which of these theories has the most appeal to you? Write a description about how and when you would use the theory, with whom, where and what skills you may need to learn to be more effective. What theory? Behavior theories are based on categories of behavior and leadership types. The myth in this view is that outward behavior is enough to establish leadership. In the 1970s, research found most of the Behavior theory research to be invalid (Howell and Costley, 2001 Yaverbaum and Sherman, 2008) however, leadership behavior is still frequently discussed.Contingency Theory. In a more progressive approach to leadership, Contingency theory recom mends matching a leaders style to the right situ ation, which involves matching to the team of people and goals. Two common Contingency theories are Path-Goal theory and Situational theory. Path-Goal Theory proposes that effective leaders help followers reach goals finished motivation by involving them in fulfilling and meaningful tasks How do you plan to use what you have learned? When will you use what you learned? References and Suggested Reading Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass and Stogdills Handbook ofLeadership Theory Research and Managerial Application. New York Free Press. Howell, J. P. , and D. L. Costley (2001). Understanding Behaviors for Effective Leadership. Saddle River, NJ Prentice-Hall. With whom do you plan to use what you learned? Kouzes, J. M. , and B. Z. Posner (2002). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco Jossey Bass. Lee, R. J. , and S. N. King (2001). Discovering the Leader in You A Guide to Realizing Your Personal Leadership Potential. San Francisco Jossey-Bass, Inc. Where do you plan to use what you have learned? Lewis, J. P. (2003). Project Leadership. New York McGraw-Hill.Maxwell, J. C. (1993). maturation the Leader Within You. Nashville, TN Injoy, Inc. Northouse, P. G. (2001). Leadership Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publicati ons, Inc. What else do you need to learn to be more effective in this res publica? Yaverbaum, E. , and E. Sherman (2008). The Everything Leadership Book, 2nd ed. Avon, MA F+W Publications, Inc. Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services. ALLISEN PENN is Assistant Professor Leadership Development with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, located in Little Rock.FSPSD200-PD-11-08N Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U. S. department of Agriculture, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas. The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Positive Effects of Caffeine
harmonize to a secondary interrogation, which I carried on the effects of caffeine on human health, I found fall out that, Caffeine is the most consumed substance globally, it is commonly found in beverages such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and also in cocoa contained in various products, it is also found in medical products. Due to the high consumption by the public, many scientists remove tried to bring the public to the familiarity of the effects of caffeine on human health.Positive takingss of CaffeineAlthough it is argued that, the intake of a small amount of caffeine does not create unbecoming effects such as the cardiovascular effects, toxicity and also a change in the personal behavior and effects on male fertility. umber is seen as a widely drink globally, carrying various advantages such as it acts as a stimulator for the human beings central nervous system whereby it is kn experience that it enhances the drudgery hormones such as adrenalin which is well known for the management of stress by the body.Caffeine is said to be an increasing agent of intellectual activities when a person is tired, it also speeds up the metabolic activities whose importance is to conserve glycogen and glucose and thusly, maintaining the activity of the brain and reduces hunger in a person. It also acts as a protective agent against the cirrhosis of the liver it also prevents crystallization of cholesterol and lessens the risk of growth of gallstones. Caffeine also increases the human heart beat temporarily in addition to this, it stimulates the functions of the lungs, and it also allows the manufacture of urine in the body. Urine production lastly it is best used for relaxing of smooth muscles such as the bronchial muscles.Negative Effects of Caffeine on Human HealthDespite the said advantages about coffee, people ar called upon to learn and have much knowledge on the negative effects of the caffeine this effects include a high consumption of caffeine results in the reduction of energy in the body, since coffee contains various chemicals such as caffeine, creosote, pymdine, tars and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are normally produced by the roasting of the coffee beans under a high temperature heat. Each of these chemicals carries its own effect on the health of a person whereby, caffeine is well known to be interfering with adenosine which carries a calming effect in the brain.The Cortisols are known to be causing high blood pressure diseases by increasing the pumping action of the heart which comes as a result of the blood vessels constriction. According to the research done, on the effects of caffeine on human fertility, reproduction, lactation and development, it was found that it leads to a reduction in the weight of a child during his development, only if this comes as result of an excessive intake of coffee, this is because it affects the hematologic factor of the infant though it has no effect on the composition of the matern al milk merely it stimulates its production.Coffee is best found to be containing chemicals that are found causing the stomach lining irritation, whereby it acts as a causing factor of most digestive disorders. Coffee also contains a high amount of vitamin K that is said to be affecting the Coagulabilty of the blood that is known to be affecting those people who have high risks of various heart diseases such as heart attacks, stroke and blood clots.RecommendationDue to this, the expectant mothers are advised to have a limited intake of coffee, this is because caffeine is known to be associated with an increased risks of bone fractures and also, it leads to a reduced mass of the bones coming up as a result of a higher caffeine in the blood which affects the absorption of calcium nutrients, thus enhancing a low calcium intake which ends up alter the bones. Coffee is also known to be reducing kidney stones whereby, the flow of urine is increased while its concentration is reducedTher efore, we are advised to carry out the following measures in order to avoid the negative side effects of caffeine, when a woman is pregnant or nursing a baby, therefore she should not be allowed to take coffee, also those people poor from diseases such as gall stones, heart diseases and high blood pressure, mental illness and also those suffering from anxiety are also advised not to use caffeine since it is noticed to be increasing the disease condition in the body.ConclusionFrom the research I therefore conclude that, the consumers should use the decaffeinated coffee which is said to have a less effect on the human health. In this case, the research showed that in the past decaffeinated coffee was normally extracted through an industrial method that involved the use of some chemicals benzene, chloroform, trichloroethylene and dichloromethane as a result of environmental pollution, the manufacturers started to apply the following methods which is applied up to date in the manufactu re of decaffeinated coffee this involve the extraction of water under which the beans of the coffee are pixilated in water, after soaking, the water including caffeine and other chemicals are placed into a charcoal that is always activated that is meant to eliminate the caffeine from the coffee.This water is therefore taken back to the beans and is allowed to evaporate until dry, this evaporation and drying gives the decaffeinated coffee with a good taste which is said to maintain the good scent of coffee thus attracting to a greater extent consumers.ReferencesFernandez, C. (1993) Fetal loss associated with caffeine intake before & duringPregnancy 270-29402943 JAAMGriffiths, R.R. (1990) Low-dose caffeine physical dependence in humansJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics-255, 11231132,Vlajinac, H. (1997) Effect of caffeine intake during pregnancy on birth weightAmerican Journal of Epidemiology 145,335338.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Human development Essay
Human evolution entails all means to widen mans preferences so he could sustain a healthy lifestyle, enthrall human rights, experience the normal way of living, and discover ways to become useful for the service of others and for his own esteem. Similarly, he can enjoy living a contented life enjoying the privilege of having political, cultural, communal, and economical liberties. Human development has its own justification.If at some point ones development is questioned or criticized or discriminated against, so long as one does not interfere with other peoples lives nor deprive them of their own happiness, one owes cypher an explanation for what he does, for who he is and how he has become. In order to pull off this human development, he may seek some channels to ca-ca up his entire being. Socialization can be one of those channels wherein such channel will give them a sense of being in the right place and eventually develop and become the right person they wanted to be.Sociali zation can never be done it is composed of just one person. You have to meet people who may shargon the same the interests, cultures, norms, ideals, talents, or other similar stuff that you can relate to. To develop full as individual, one must discover his or her potentials and share them to others. Of course, socializing entails hardships in managing time and adjusting to a group of people.But then, if you love the group you are in or are interested of improving yourself, all these problems could not possibly overshadow your development as a human being. Mans socialization skills therefore are essential in his development as a person. If he uses his socialization skills to the fullest, he may become unaware of the tip that his socialization skills would take him if developed. If he learns to discover and harness such, he will undoubtedly provide himself with a huge room to completely grow as a human being.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
P&G Advertising Strategy Essay
For marketing students at IIM Ahmedabad, 9th of January, 2011, is anything but a typical Sunday. They have resisted the temptation to join their batchmates in a lazy basketball p roach and appear oblivious to the cheerful riotous frenzy of the kite festival on the banks of the Sabarmati. Instead they have been pitted against each another(prenominal) all sunup in a fault exercise organised and masterminded by P&G. The prize? A dinner date for the teams with a man responsible for discharge the marketing function of one of the most powerful FMCG companies on the planet, Marc Pritchard , global marketing and brand building officer, P&G.However, even students who do not hold the cut get a chance to experience Pritchard firsthand when he addresses a respectably packed hall that evening. Soon after hes done, the questions fly thick and fast. These include some potentially embarrassing posers. How does P&G feel, one student wants to know, about its campaigns being ambushed by its arch rival HUL? Few throng have forgotten the teaser campaign about a mystery shampoo last year (that was revealed to be P&Gs Pantene) being hijacked by Dove from the HUL stable.Pritchard opts to take the high road on this one We cant prevent any competitor from ambush (surprise attack). But if you center on the consumer, what your brand is doing to serve the consumer and if you have a big idea, you will win most of the time. And thats a running theme through graceful oft everything that Pritchard has to say. Whether hes addressing students at IIM-A, the media or an audience at the Cannes Lions Festival, hes a tireless champion of brands serving consumers or economic consumption driven branding. P&G spent most of the 1990s establishing a global footprint. Now, according to Pritchard, it finally has the chance to live up to its shoot for. The first measuring rod was getting senior management to define a office for each of the brands in the P&G stable a blueprint on how the high society could touch and improve lives. Pritchard explains, We still have a core benefit but are thinking more broadly on how we can abandon it. We are very focussed on sharpening what the brands stand for, identifying human insights that can translate into big ideas. Bold Gamble However those prepared for a olympian chronicle of CSR and corporate do-gooding are alike(p)ly to step back, a little disappointed. Pritchards showreel of purpose driven work from P&G includes pretty much every big campaign the FMCG has come up with recently. This includes the highly awarded work on Old Spice with its cocky The man your man could smell like tagline. Pritchard says, Purpose is much more than a cause or a corporate responsibility. We deliberately foc utilise on making people define purpose as how brands improve everyday lives.A cause is just a piece of it as opposed to the whole thing. This helps take purpose out of an ivory tower. Its no longer something that resonates only with consumer s in developed markets, fed up with hard sell, looking for corporates to do something more. Instead it could even be used as an effective go to market strategy. Which is pretty much the case with Pampers. Pritchard defines the brands purpose as to improve a babys healthy, happy development. Its benefit is dryness and comfort that allows babies to sleep, play and explore more. When they do that, they develop better.By the way, its also making their moms lives a lot better if they sleep through the night. To bring this purpose to life, P&G sends pediatricians to villages with tips on how to help the baby sleep and advice on immunization, besides development this interface as a sampling opportunity. The one pack = one vaccine program run in association with the UNICEF is tied into this larger purpose too. It helps bring the community of moms together since they like to help other moms, says Pritchard.Even Women Against Lazy Stubble for Gillette, a homegrown campaign, has something la rger driving it. Purpose takes on a more meaningful role in developing markets, he explains. The vans that propagate the program give young men tips on shaving, how to dress, handle an interrogate and talk to women. Purpose coincides well with P&G making a concerted push into non-city markets not just in India but in other countries like Brazil and China that have a yawning urban- folksy divide. P&G is focusing on stores because its the first moment of truth for the rural consumer. Pritchard says, We market back from there to create awareness to get them to that point. There are approximately 7 million high frequency shops in India and P&G has covered 4 million of these so far. A fair amount of product and package development is being done to cater to this segment. use the store as the starting point also helps make the entire process less sporadic. Pritchard states, It means you are always on. We have consolidated the payoff of distributors into a core highly capable, powerful g roup. We give them the material, knowledge and know how on display. India is in some ways at the vanguard of P&Gs rural drive. One of the things pioneered in India was generating more household trial.Pritchard admits, It was Sumeet Vohra (chief marketing officer Asia, P&G) who created this machine to identify what it was going to take to get these products in the households, as well as the tools to measure performance. Much of what we learnt in India has been exported to other markets like Africa for example. The recent acquisition of Paras by Reckitt Benckiser proves that multinational giants look to India for a lot more than its large consumer base. Pritchard gives a diplomatic answer when asked if there are any local heroes that hes got an eye on. But P&G invariably unearths little jewels with every acquisition, he says.Like Koleston which was not very big globally but strong in Latin America, particularly in Brazil, around the time Wella was acquired. P&G took the brand to Me xico, Europe and are now launching in India. Pritchard goes further back for his next example Richardson Vicks in 1985 had a very tiny brand called Pantene that accounted for $70 million in sales. He says, We put the new technology in, and launched it in Taiwan and came up with Pantene professional V. Now it is over a $3 billion brand. To be chosen for the big push, the brand needs equity and it helps to have some sort of a story.Like Max Factors SK2 which was made with Pitera, a yeast extract used by monks in Japan which kept their skin in a better condition. We built from that story, tested it in different markets and now its more than half a billion dollars and growing like crazy, says Pritchard. In a classical FMCG battle, market observers may be tempted to brand P&G as a pacifist, with hardly any aggressive countermoves towards competition. But, combining brand awareness with social programmes, driving its brands further into the hinterland and acquiring a knack of creating b illion dollar brands, Pritchard knows that the company is pushing the right levers.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Motorola Failure
Motorola Mobility, the ailing cellular phone firebrandr that Google bought in May, told employees Sunday that it would lay off 20 percent of its work wad and close a third of its 94 offices worldwide. The cuts are the first step in Googles plan to reinvent Motorola, which has fallen far behind its biggest competitors, Apple and Samsung, and to bring down up its android mobile business and expand beyond search and software into the manufacture of hardware. The turnaround effort give the likewise be a referendum on the management of Larry Page, Googles chief executive, whose boldest move has been the $12. billion acquisition. Though Google bought Motorola partly because of its more than 17,000 patents, which can help defend against challenges to the mechanical man operating system, it also be after to use Motorola to make its own, better smartphones and tablets. One-third of the 4,000 jobs lost will be in the United States. The company plans to leave unprofitable markets, sto p making low-end devices and commission on a few cellphones instead of dozens, verbalise Dennis Woodside, Motorolas new chief executive, in a rare interview. Were excited about the smartphone business, said Mr. Woodside, who previously take Googles sales and operations for the Americas. The Google business is built on a wired set, and as the world moves to a pretty much completely wireless model over time, its really going to be important for Google to understand everything about the mobile consumer. But some analysts wonder whether Google can succeed in the brutally competitive, low-margin cellphone business. Ninety percent of the profits in the smartphone space are going to Apple and Samsung, and everyone else from Motorola to RIM to LG to Nokia are picking up the scraps of that 10 percent, said Charlie Kindel, a former manager at Microsoft who writes about the mobile industry. Theres no real sign thats changing anytime soon. It was not always this way. Motorola executives like to berate about its glory days. The company, started in 1928 in Chicago, unveiled the first commercial cellphone in 1973.By 2004, it looked as if Motorola could again lead the cellphone industry when it introduced the usual Razr. But Apple and Samsung won consumers hearts with the more exciting iPhone and Galaxy phones. Motorola Mobility which split last year from Motorola Solutions, the division that makes devices like police radios lost $233 zillion in its first six weeks under Google. The phone business has been unprofitable for 14 of the last 16 quarters. It got left in the dust by the opposition and kind of missed the smartphone transition, said Charles S. Golvin, a mobile analyst at Forrester Research.In addition to the coming cuts, Google has gutted Motorola management, letting go 40 percent of its vice presidents. It also hired new senior executives. It will shrink operations in Asia and India, and center research and development in Chicago, Sunnyvale and Beijing. Mr. Woodside also plans to cut the number of devices Motorola makes from the 27 it introduced last year to just a few. He wants to make the companys products cool again by loading them with things like sensors that recognize who is in a direction based on their voices, cameras that take crisper photos and batteries that last for days.Many of these new ideas will come from a group of just a few dozen populate at bottom the company that has the unassuming name of Advanced Technology and Projects. To foster innovation, Google created the group to drop a Silicon Valley-style start-up into a lumbering Midwestern company and recruited Regina Dugan from the Pentagons excuse Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, to run it. Ms. Dugan, though coming from Washington, already speaks the language of Silicon Valley. Its a small, lean and agile group that is unafraid of failure, she said, and it will celebrate impatience. She is hiring metal scientists, acoustics engineers and artifici al intelligence experts. They will work for her for only two years so they feel a sense of urgency, she said, an idea she borrowed from Darpa, where people wear their resignation date on their name tags. Motorola has been spending too much money on too many different cellphone components, said Mark Randall, whom Google recruited to run Motorolas supply chain from Amazon. com, where he did that for the Kindle. He said he planned to jettison suppliers and buy 50 percent fewer components.How to scramble people excited about Motorola phones when shiny iPhones are on the next shelf? Gary Briggs, who ran consumer marketing at Google and now does so at Motorola, is working on advertisements that he said would be more like Googles simple and emotional. They will focus on Motorolas storied past and the ways the products are better than the competitions, like battery life. We have a right to fence in this market, Mr. Briggs said, and I think weve got to prove why were going to build and bri ng devices to people that are worth talking about again. Competitors like Sony, LG and HTC will be watching losely to see how the Motorola-Google relationship develops, especially whether Motorola receives special treatment from Google. Like Motorola, they use the Android mobile operating system, for which Google receives no payment. They certainly dont believe Googles going to keep a Chinese wall in place, Mr. Kindel, the former Microsoft manager, said of the other cellphone makers. The reality is people work together, they can pick up the phones and talk. There is going to be an advantage. There is, for instance, a program for Google software engineers to work at Motorola for a year or two. But Mr.Woodside said Google benefited from many manufacturers using Android, and repeated Googles promise that Motorola would have no advantages. He said Motorola would also compete equally with others to build Google-branded Nexus devices, which Google makes with a hardware partner when it i ntroduces new versions of Android. A Motorola Mobility executive who recently left the company and would speak only on the condition of anonymity because he was uncomfortable talking to the news media, said that if anything, it had become more difficult than before for Motorola to have impromptu collaboration with the Android team.But still, because of the relationship, Motorola could get priority on Google products, like a mobile version of desktop software. And, people familiar with the companies say, Google could decide to follow Apples lead and build a phone from silicon to software, perhaps by creating a separate operating system for Motorola that other phone makers cannot use. Google and Motorola seem to have a mutually effective marriage of hardware and software, Mr. Golvin said.Motorola needs software smarts and Google, which has struggled with Chrome laptops, Google TV and most recently the Nexus Q, needs help with hardware. Motorolas set-top boxes, which it sells to cable operators, could also help Google make the leap to TV screens, if it does not sell that business. In the meantime, Motorolas cellphone expertise has already been useful. Sergey Brin, Googles co-founder, called to see whether the sky divers he had hired to perform at a recent conference could get cell reception a mile in the sky.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mcnamara and the ââ¬ÅFog of Warââ¬Â
Rebekka Carter 11/15/2012 McNamara and the taint Of War approximatelytimes negotiation and peace is the only way to avoid catastrophe that could destroy us all. The first lesson of the Fog of War, that McNamara gave was to realise with your enemy. McNamara thought it was a must and that is was important to put ourselves into the enemys shoes. He discussed in the interview that later became a documentary, the possible serious consequences we could face as a nation if we didnt empathize with Cubans during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. We must strain to put ourselves inside their skin and brass at us through their eyes, just to understand the thoughts that lie behind their decisions and their actions, McNamara justified. If we could negotiate and settle, we might cease work something out to benefit both the U. S. , and the Soviet Union. During the Cuban missile Crisis, McNamara tried to persuade death chair Kennedy not to press on and invade Cuba. He could give the president advice because he was a member of the presidents cabinet. Robert McNamara was the Secretary of Defense in office. He persuaded him along with Tommy Thompson whom was the former U. S.Ambassador to Moscow. They gave them advice on two messages we received from the Soviet Union. McNamara described this as a weighty message and a soft message. The soft message give tongue to they would remove the missiles from Cuba as long as we promised not to invade. On the other hand, Kennedy also received the hard message which basically revealed that if we pressed on and invaded Cuba,they would respond with massive military force. McNamara stressed how important it was to empathize with Cuba,if we didnt the consequences could be a nuclear contend holocaust. Kennedy ended up empathizing with them by responding to the first message.This action could of rescue us from a possible Nuclear War and from devastation, disaster, and from loosing trillions of innocent American people. McNamara describe s the relationship between empathy, morality, and war. He thinks that during war in order to be victorious you acquire to see the way the enemy sees and try to rent peace with them. From a moral stand point, do whats trump out for the common goodish. Its best to make peace or at least negotiate and come to an agreement to avoid whatever consequences that could stake innocent civilians. I think he believed more in peace and harmony than in war.It was best to just avoid it if possible and negotiate then avoid conflict. Later on in the documentary, McNamara describes the bolt bombings of Japanese cities. He argues is it moral to take the lives of 100,000 of Japanese civilians in one night just to move on the war. On top of burning the cities, Lemay wanted to drop a bomb. McNamara argued that proportionality was a guideline in war. We shouldnt overdue it just to win. We should have it evened out with the enemy on casualties and civilian deaths. Lemay considered his actions to be thought base if they had lost.So judging from that Id say that if his side lost, then loosing that many people would have been for nothing. If they would of won, it would have been moral is the conclusion Im drawing from this. Is it ever legitimate to criticize your countrys actions in a time of war? I think so yes, and I wouldnt consider it to be unpatriotic for disagreeing with the government. Freedom of lecture is one thing our country is founded on and ein truthone can have their own personal view or criticism. One can still have love for ones country and not agree with their policies or in this particular case, war tactics.Some people may not be for war because of the innocent lives lost men,women, and children. Some people might especially be against nuclear war because of innocent lives and it just causes more riskiness and conflict. In my opinion it is legitimate to argue or criticize about war or any other action a country carries out. This documentary opened my eyes and changed the way I authentically saw Nuclear War and the effects and consequences it can have. The Cuban Missile Crisis had very high lay on the line to cause not only a Nuclear War, but a Nuclear war Holocaust. With organism struck with one bomb, there is a possibility we would of bombed Cuba back.I dont believe we would of surrendered. Other countries would of gotten involved and devastation and injustice as of a result from this would have been very great. The fire bombings described in Japan was very disproportionate and unevenly scattered. Cities everywhere in Japan had different numbers of deaths and injuries. Lemay thought this had to be do in order to win the war, even though it was considered immoral. This documentary was an eye opener and it really gave good insight on the key ways to being successful in a war. McNamara called it The Rules of War.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Assessing the Functionality of New York Time Square and the Peopleââ¬â¢s Square Shanghai
DrumheadIn this essay, the urban layout, relationship with the passageway, triangulation, personal individuality and imposter infinites are discussed with a positioning to better understand the urban context of the pertly York term strong and the populations square off print ( Renmin place ) . With the adjutant of Google map and spill the Renmin place, the recordings could be examined with much truth in order to better understand the operation of the two celebrated usemap=awmap1Frequently nicknamed The Crossroads of the World, condemnation whole is one of the busiest squares in the universe holding more than a one-fourth million battalion go bying at that place daily ( duration Square Alliance,2014 ) . Hosting around 40 million tourers yearly ( beat Square Alliance, 2014 ) , clock time Square, was one time, in the late 1890s, badly dominated by illicit activities. However, collectible to the colon y of several celebrated companies like the New York Times ( A position on chief citys, 2014 ) , the farming witnessed a cardinal turning over where the metropolis was restructured and period the development continued, communicating with European states established, fetching to an exponential hiking in the quality of its urban status.Located in one of the most populated urban territories around the Earth, Peoples Square ( Renmin Plaza ) is among Shanghai largest ha second gearual infinite ( Moore, 2012 ) consisting chieftainly of a metro station, municipal council edifices and a karyon like green construction on the boundaries. Once a Equus caballus racing land, the commonwealth was converted to a park when the Communist Party was founded in the middle-20Thursdaycentury ( Leo, 1999 ) . due(p) to its centered location, the square acquired overriding importance for the local administrative authorities where much of the habitual appeal all(prenominal) trash veracious as s hows would be launched in this peculiar awkward. Nowadays, the park hosts several monolithic edifices like the Shanghai museum, Shanghai theater all bit faithful as the celebrated urine games pool alone to advert a few.Urban LayoutNew York City adopted a tabula rasa correct to bring forth an extraneous grid form to its layout. Blocks are arranged one after for each one early(a) which resulted in the formation of both streets and a stiff construction. Extraneous metropolis layout has been adopted since rattling long pare ago in many portion of the universe. It has of all time since arose tonss of controvertible issues like it looks scare and is non suited for human due to the point that the appropriate integrating of micro administrations are non promoted good. However, despite designed from a top-down position, the infinites within the extraneous agreement, at a micro-scale degree, generated the right chances for activities in this part to go on. Within the hyper local e difice typologies on site, a assortment of short scale purgets could be shaped, hence ensuing in both the zones diverseness every bit good as guaranting the long term development of its economic heartyness. This organized manner of be aftering lead to the rational suppuration of the construction where old and new blocks could unify or interact with each other, ensuing in the catalytic connectivity of the site. Furthermore, the relationship of the stiff grid and the non-grid construction of the metropolis like the Parkss, the diagonal route cutting through it and the center(a) infinites every bit good as at leadant 1s formed by the variant forms of edifices amplified well the citys construction where the circulation of both traffic and walkers was guaranteed.With one of the largest urban populations ( City Layout, 2014 ) non besides in China only besides in the universe, Shanghai has undergone a dramatic revolutionisation since some decennaries ago. Consisting about 16 territo ries, Shanghai chief dry land is the Huangpu District where the Renmin place lies. Unlike other large metropoliss in China, Shanghai has non adopted the extraneous street layout but instead a more organic attack to the design. maven of the chief blessing of the organic development is that it somehow fits human activities every bit good as developments of changing sizes commode be carried out with much easiness, a federal agent which is rather hard in stiff grid design. The Renmin Plaza is surrounded by a twosome of chief roads every bit good as upriseby to the intersection point of study metro lines ( 1, 2, 8 ) ( defend of Peoples Square, 2014 ) . It is rather noticeable that study place are frequently located near Stationss where they carry out an of import function as civic space- hoi polloi will instead pass away for a walk in the place instead than remaining in the Stationss attending for the theodolite. However, it is deserve nailing out that, even though the strategi c location of the place is a cardinal factor of the urban scene, it remains important of how to primly do the infinite a topographic point instead than obliging people to travel through it.Relationship with the streetRelationship with the street is one of the major factors impacting a place. Bing in itself a transitional infinite and has every bit map to construction infinites, the streets find how ordinary or snobby a part is. New York Time Square is formed by the intersection of many major streets including the Broadway, the Seventh and the 42neodymiumavenues yet to advert a few. What very add to the celebrity of Time Square is the fact that the streets and the abutting edifices are closely related to each other and works like one system. to the highest degree if non all the construction on the place meet as first floor commercial shops with Windowss shape into their facade taking to this abstract minute of commune amongst the passerby and the edifice. This cardinal facet of the urban scene of the place is nurtured by the streets. The avenues on the site provide the transitional infinite where the contact between persons and built environment occurs.The extraneous construction of the New York City give rise to a swarm figure of corners. Representing a actually of import characteristic in both urban design and architecture, corners spark off the necessary drift for activities to go on and develop. The corners gives people the chance to step back from the heavy earthbound f commencement and get down a conversation with the environment which may include edifices, passerby, and merchandisers amongst others. Those represent the anterooms which are self-structured and can work on its ain which are the major facets behind the plazas owing(p) celebrity.The pavement spaces acts as passage infinites. As mentioned before, these infinites operate like accelerators for the communicating of persons with the environing environment. Having a portion of Broadway street turned into a prosaic path, Time Square is seting much accent on this facet as the local governments are under the strong feeling that maximal exposure of the visitants would unusually be good to the plazas image. Yet, despite it is a good manner of go oning with the state of affairs, no more solutions to better the place has been undertaken. It is sincerely of import to see about the visitants themselves as they are the responsible 1s who renders the images of infinites. In order to control this job, the governments did set some movable chairs on the site with a position to hosting people who wants to hold confabs or rest a elegant spot. Still, with the huge flow of walkers, sitting in the mid of the way is non a wise determination. Harmonizing to William H. Whyte, people like to sit in an country where they are so portion of the scene go oning on the streets but at least have a little barrier as a separation means ( William H. Whyte, 1980 ) .In the instance of Renmin Pl aza, despite the peoples flow is rather similar to the New York Time Squares one, the street heart at Renmin place seems to be rather dull. There is a boundary separating persons from other persons. Even though the nigh edifices are in good interactions with the pavements, the corners remains a topographic point where people barely wait to traverse the route. In fact, the cutting off of the streets from the place is one of the chief ground behind the low synergistic degree. Many Chinese streets adopted the Boulevard type of paths where trees are aligned on both side of the route which gives the semblance to be in a really nice atmosphere while going, but alternatively, it wholly blots the position on the environing constructions. Peoples tend to travel to topographic points which is on their sightlin e. A really good illustration to back up this statement is the deep-set place of Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Designed to be a topographic point where pupils every bit good as members of the staffs would garner, turned out to be an country where the activity degree is amazingly low. All to state that, although the trees help to cut down the heat island significance on the streets, it needs to be sagely placed with a position to advancing the relationship of the people with the environment instead than cutting them off.TriangulationTriangulation is the procedure by which foreign factors, which may or may non be ab initio portion of the urban scene, generate chance for interactions among persons to happen. Changing from human existences to objects like chairs, triangulors are among the chief facets which can assist the societal life in an urban context. The metropolis construction like edifices, streets, place, and mediate infinites, amongst others are non the lone factors doing up the topographic point but besides the people utilizing every bit good as sing it forms up the topographic point. One of New Yorks individuality is the skyscrapers which have c ardinal societal effects. Acting like memorials, the towers are existent crowd pullers which frequently leads to the interactions of the visitants as shown in figure 6.On the other manus is Peoples Square which is aesthetically delighting. The triangulors present on the site are the edifices but chiefly the H2O drama at the cardinal place where the price of people interacting with one another is truly high. As a affair of fact, even though the metropolis consists of many good designed infinites, the function of triangulors can non be underestimated for it helps people connect with each other without intentionally coercing them to so.Personal IdentityThe infinite in which an person dwells in is a important factor which determines cultural patterns which accordingly molds the latters personal individuality. For illustration, person life in an urban country will hold a different personal every bit good as spacial individuality compared to person who is from a distant rural country. Sp atial individuality is going a really delicate factor presents due to globalisation. Many infinites every bit good as topographic points tend to look similar, go forthing behind the topographic point individuality which removes well the background of the country. A good illustration to back up this fact is Shanghai itself. The rich traditional Chinese civilization is promptly being eluded by western civilizations. The urban scene of the citys resemble the 1s in New York. Chinese edifices has a strong individualism which is seldom being seen in large metropoliss presents. Many of the edifices is westernized. The Peoples Square excessively has non been an exclusion of the eluded cultural background. Most if non all the infinites in the Renmin Plaza, while sing them, give the semblance to be in a western state. Having the same constellations of the infinites everyplace, efficiency take in the hereafter, humdrum as it will give the feeling of deja vu, therefore severely impacting the urban infinites. However, sing Time Square, skyscrapers have been since a really long clip ago, a portion and package in the life manner of the American society.Pseudo SpacesPseudo infinites are those 1s who are available for the populace but merely for certain types of activities or even people. Nowadays, the bulk of public and civic infinites are administrated by metropolis regulations and regulate by constabulary sections. Time Square, though considered populace, allows merely a certain types of activities or single to have. Consequently, it can be concluded that many people whose activities or has a different life manner might non be able to acquire entree to Time Square. One definition for public infinite is an country which one and all can entree. Accessibility to a public infinite does non merely intend to be physically present but besides to interact with the surrounding. However, how public is Time Square? Controlled by the Time Square Alliance, a group policemen guaranting the proper operation of a part, Time Square can non cover with a different type of activity which does non have on the allowed list of the security individuals. It can merely cover with physical handiness of a immense prosaic flow. As a affair of fact, Time Square is non truly a public infinite but instead a pseudo public infinite where merely some types of activities are allowed. As for Peoples Square, it follows the same manner of Time Square. Police officers every bit good as security camera are installed in every corner of the streets to guarantee the proper behaviour of the passerby. However, there is a struggle between how much public these two places are. Harmonizing to the scopes of activities, handiness every bit good as interaction with the environment, New York Time Square can be considered to be more public. Renmin Plaza closes at a certain clip populating the topographic point dull at some point whereas New York Time Square is unfastened on a 24 hr footing doing it mo re public as people can non merely acquire entree at that place but besides stay for a longer clip period.DecisionNew York Time Square and Peoples Square have both similarities and difference in their several urban scenes. Both extraneous and organic metropolis layout has pros and cons. In fact, several external factors like locations, civilization, economic amongst others are the determiner that indicates which layout might outdo suit a certain metropolis. As for the relationship with the streets, place demands to peremptorily hold a good connexion with them. Many factors like, handiness, sightline, corners, mediate infinites, merely to advert a few shows how successful a place can be. Triangulation excessively is a major facet in planing a square as they can associate the users to the environing environment therefore truly heightening their journey in the unfastened infinite. Furthermore, as the universe is turning into a planetary small towns, many infinites tend to look likewise to the hurt of the valuable ways of making every bit good as civilizations. Many parts in China has non developed and inculcated their rich doctrine in their metropolis design, doing the personal individuality of the Chinese society really similar to western 1s. Finally, pseudo public infinites are witnessing an of all time addition in figure since a twosome of decennaries ago. It is true that imposter infinites contribute to the wellbeing of the users and assist to advance the image of a metropolis but they may be regarded every bit discriminatory as non merely a certain type of activities are allowed but besides many people might be rejected as they can non unify with the surrounding. It is deserving observing that although the constructions on site aid to make infinites, it is the users who make them go topographic points.MentionsTime Square Alliance. ( 2014 )Time Square Market facts Pedestrian Counts Online . Available at hypertext transfer protocol // o-business-here/market-facts/pedestrian-counts/index.aspx .U27_BkZSwYk ( Accessed on 1stMay 2014 )A position on metropoliss. ( 2014 )Time Square Hisoty Online . Available at hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed on 1stMay 2014 )Moore.M. ( 2012 )Travel Shanghai Biennale a demo to China s largest metropolis Online . Available at hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed on 1stMay 2014 )Leo Ou-fan Lee. ( 1999 ) Public Park and Race Club Harvard University Press Shanghai ModernThe Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China1sterectile dysfunction. Havard University, pp 29-30.Anonymous. ( 2014 )City Layout Online . Available at hypertext transfer protocol // sthash.3Di017ef.zViFCHV9.dpbs ( Accessed on 1stMay 2014 )Anonymous. ( 2014 )Map of Peoples Square Online . Available at hypertext transfer protoco l // ( Accessed on 1stMay 2014 )William H. Whyte. ( 1980 )The kindly Life of Small Urban SpacesUndertaking for Public Spaces, New York, Project for Public Spaces Inc
Saturday, May 18, 2019
How I Learned to Drive Analysis Essay
In Paula Vogels How I Learned to Drive, we follow our protagonist nicknamed Lil smirch on a gut wrenching, and downright disturbing journey through her adolescence, told as a series of narrations, monologues, and flashbacks with the occasional interjection of a PSA corresponding voice over. The swindle recounts the physical and emotional pervert Lil snack encountered from the ages of eleven to eighteen at the hands of her uncle apprehend, while he teaches her to drive.The main flaw I saw in Lil Bit was that she is too smart for her own neat. You see this characteristic throughout the dictation as she manipulates Peck. For example, it was most obvious for me when their roles of adult and child are reversed, and Peck is explaining to Lil Bit what a in force(p) boy he has been for not drinking.Knowing how much Peck lusts after her she offers him a reward for his good behavior in the form of undoing her bra. Another great example is when prior to her and peck qualifying on a r oad trip and Lil Bits mother indicates that she has a sense of what Peck has on his mind, she responds by saying I can take gondola care of myself. And I can for certain handle uncle Peck.At this point in the story she is only eleven. Its hard to imagine a child of that age so grown up emotionally. Overall, most of the characters had likeable qualities, with the exception of the grandmother. I didnt really like the way she meddled in the Parenting of Lil Bit. I liked Big Papa the best. Hes a crabby old durationr who speaks anything that comes into his head with reckless abandon. It brought me some levity in an otherwise melancholic play.The climax of the play occurs on Lil Bits eighteenth birthday. She and Peck are in a hotel room, and shes been ignoring peck for some time leading up to this meeting as hes been sending her cards counting down to her birthday. Lil Bit is obviously conflicted about their kind now that she has gotten older, entirely Peck is looking forward to a t ime when its not illegal for them to be together. This is creepy enough on its own, but when Peck drops the marriage bomb, the creep factor skyrockets. I was honestly revolt at the idea of a man leaving his wife to be with his niece whom hehas known since birth, gillyflower related or not.Prior to the climax, one major event occurs and that is in the monologue that Aunt bloody shame delivers indicating that she knows whats going on between Peck and Lil bit. The haggling used during this monologue, indicate to me a partner off of key points about this character. First of all she is very intelligent. Her thoughts are well put together and the words she uses indicates to me that she has some sort of education.She is also very intuitive, she picks up on the subtle, non-verbal signals that peck gives off when hes got something on his mind and presumably when hes around Lil Bit. Also, the words used by Lil Bit in her different flashbacks have a direct correlation to her age. Its obvi ous as you engage them, that during the later ones she is forming more complex thoughts and emotions, which is indicative of growth.For the music in this play, Paula Vogel suggested period correct music spanning dickens generations. She mentions Motown several times, as well as Roy Orbison and the Beach Boys. Most of this music is romantic and happy with elflike hints of sexuality and sometimes-pedophilic references. For some weird reason the voice of the announcer in my head was played by the Moviephone guy.The car in the play was described as a Buick Riviera, but in my mind it was more like a Camaro or GTO. The main reason for this is the obvious relationship between Peck and his car. The way he describes the way the aggressive way men are taught to drive and the feeling of a cars response to your touch, on the dot makes me think of those fast nimble sports cars. Taking place in the 1960s, the costumes in my mind were bell-bottoms and blossom shirts, polyester leisure suits, and fringes all over the place. This was your typical 1960s attire.I believe the overall theme of this play is about the effect of time on relationships. The relationship between Peck and Lil Bit starts out strong, for her and delicate for him. She has a strong male figure giving her attention while he is nurturing a relationship that he knows is illegal andimmoral. As time progresses, the roles ultimately reverse leaving Peck with much dominance in the relationship while Lil Bit comes to realize the truth about it which leads to its demise. It just goes to show that time will always change relationships, jus not always in the way you imagined.
Faith and Diplomacy
Katherine Donado Writing III October 5, 2012 Technology Technology is valuable because it is used in both day. As Mandana Mohsenzadega countrys in, OMG Tweeting, Trending, and Texting tidy sum feel incomplete without applied science (448). Technology was intended to bring people hand-to-hand and increase communication. To be able to stay in contact to a greater extent in a blistering way when is impossible to see a family member. Maybe they might harp in a divergent country and for many reasons not being able to travel.Technology is very important and useful, because it provides a lot of information, it reaps businesses more efficient and it is a faster way to protect people in dangerous occasions. Technology is frequently used to find out information. It is a faster, quicker and easier way to range answers from Websites. Mohsenzadega refers to this (448), . with just the click of a button on our handy-dandy little gad cooks. Everything is in that respect, with no rent to struggle or go out to get things done. Some people do not need the doctor for check-ups. They can get the information from Medline. om which each(prenominal)ows people to self-diagnose (448). Computers help us stay up to date with everything, whether it is the weather, or a family member that lives far. It is cheaper to communicate now all over Facebook, Twitter, Face while or Oovoo because its free, instead of buying a phone card every time they need to keep in contact with a relative. It has also brought people together from all over the world. They meet new people find out about them and most of the time fall in love and end up together. The internet is very useful and good.Some people feel part bathroom screens and are able to express themselves better and open up more to people, when they are not expression to face. People get to know them better on the internet and get a lot of information from there. Just the simple fact of entertainment, of having memories with frie nds, photos, meaningful texts or listening to music, which is known to calm people and lets them get away from everything when theyre in their zone. Technology is known for something most people cant live without, Cannot imagine living a week without my laptop. Since I grew up in this culture, it would be exceedingly senseless. (450) Businesses permit also become more efficient because of technology. Due to the self-service cashiers, have become defunct. Fewer employees need to be hired because machines do their jobs. One can go pay for their groceries with just a twitch of their card. Technology has also influenced many other businesses. There is no reason to wait for a concourse and waste time, when they can call each other at any time and connect all lines so everyone can be in a conference call without having to be running late(a) or being taken out of their house, office, or even state.Some businesses have jobs and meeting out of state to make it more comfortable for people that are far away in the same business. It is better to have everyone meet up in a place where they can all feel unobjectionable when it comes to traveling. similarly can be very useful when people arent on time or running late, they can just send their work with a simple text or electronic mail without having to waste time when trustworthy paper work hs to be done at a certain time or wait to see the person to give them the work. Another reason why technology is important is because it keeps us safe.Many phones have a GPS system in them that helps law enforcement track and locate the subject. Cameras were invented to watch, there put just about in every store and place. With the phones, people are more apparent to call the police in case of an emergency, with less difficulties. With just a push of a button, it connects you to help. Also alarm systems, to keep peoples home safe when theyre away. Technology prevents accidents from happening. Making it possible for crimes to be single-minded faster and more accurately. In conclusion, technology would be known to be very useful in life.It has brought many people together and most importantly kept them safe. It has do peoples lives a lot easier and faster, without any difficulties or struggles. Everything can be done with just a push of a button. No need to get up or go out because everything in within reach. It has made life a lot more valuable and understanding when you have an object that gives you answers to any problems you whitethorn have with no solution. People have to understand that technology was made for the better, to be able to make life easier and make us feel comfortable knowing that there is answers to what we seek in life.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Statistics Coursework
1st theory For my archetypal shot I leave alone give out the kin in the midst of the add up of TV hours watched per work week by the pupils against their IQ. I am tone break offing to function the columns IQ and Average image of hours TV watched per week bringn from the Mayfield high entropysheet. I remember that in that respect yield be a affinity in the midst of them and give attempt to reveal it.second venture For my second hypothesis I go forth investigate the consanguinity in the midst of Average enactment of TV hours watched per week and weight (kg). I think that on that point pass on non be each major relationship amid as they will non affect each other greatly.I will present my analysis and the terminations in charts and t suitables and explain the issuances development the coefficient of correlativity of the charts and ar floatments of the figures.I will rent a issue forth of pupils to base my selective information on and will use random sampling to visualize the proper frame of male and distaff pupils carryed to reach the investigating fair.Stratified SamplingI do not want to use all of the info in the infobase for my analysis so I will contend to take a prove of the number of people in the school. I would interchangeable to take ab stunned 10% of the overall figure. I will also need to use stratify sampling to make it an equal proportion of the number of males and females in the school to make it fair.The total number of pupils at the school is 813 so I will need to take 10% as my number, 81.3 is locomote down to 81.The overall ratio for boys and girls in the school is 414399 this instant I will need to do my samplingMales = 414 cipher by 81 = 41813Females = 399 multiplied by 81 = 40813 stochastic Sampling in a flash I perplex the number of samples I will need to select the samples I will be taking. To do this I will use random sampling. I will take random samples until I have 81. I goa t do this on Excel using the following formula = round(round()*120.Once I have ga in that respectd the samples I am ready to start analyzing my samples. compendHypothesis 1 MalesThe freshman thing I need to do in my analysis is to decompose my chartical records which are the source of the probe. I have earnd fritter charts to memorialize the relationship if the ii data sources for my first hypothesis. I have separated them into male and female interprets as at that place is a separation in the numbers.First male frivol away graphThis first graph presented a bit of a problem. on that point was an inconclusive result that affected the purport disceptation and the crustal plate of the graph. I decided to create a new graph that didnt include that 1 fragment of data. This focussing it would help me to analyze the rest of the data. sulfur male spread graphThis graph demonstrateed the data some(prenominal) clearer and I could then start analyzing it. in that respe ct is no correlation amidst the 2 sets of data. This room that it is incredible that there is a relationship in the midst of IQ and Average number of TV hours watched per week. In this it may be that my hypothesis is preposterous. There is plainly a really push aside side on the trend cable television that leans towards a negative correlation, but the gradient is not steep enough to unpack either conclusions about the relationship between the two sets of data. I will have to use the cumulative absolute oftenness graphs and lash p deal out of lands to read if each conclusions can be do.accumulative frequence graphs for IQ and Average number of TV hours watched per weekFrom these graphs I could create reason plots and compare the two sets of data. Before that I analyzed the cumulative frequency graphs to draw initial conclusions. The majority of the IQs for males are between 90 105, this leavens that the data is quite public exposure out as this section plainl y covers a puny area of the graph. For the TV hours graph, again the data is airhead among 1 main area in this case it is between 5-25. There is al to the highest degree a straight notation near the transcend off of the graph this shows that there is likely to be some ill-advised results and 0 pupils in between that result and the main bulk. directly I will create quoin plots so I can compare the two graphs together. quoin plots for cumulative frequency graphs of IQ and average number of TV hours watched per week (for interquartile ranges olfactory property at copies of graphs at the back)From the box plots I can see that the data spread is relatively the same apart from a possible unnatural result in the TV hours data. This parity is the reason wherefore the scatter graph had no correlation and therefore no relationship. This means that my hypothesis is wrong.Hypothesis 1 Femalesonce more I will start with the scatter graphs. As with the male graph I had an infatuated result that spread out the data and scale down the graph so most of the relevant data couldnt be analyzed. I then did another graph without that specific piece of data.Scatter Graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between IQ and average number of TV hours watched per week for FemalesAs you can see on both the graphs there is no correlation between the two sets of data. This again means that my first hypothesis is unlikely to be correct. There is only a slight gradient on the trend line which is not steep enough to draw all conclusions from it. There is another infatuated result on the graph but it doesnt affect the trend line and my conclusions so I left it on the graph. I will now crate cumulative frequency graphs to see if they can help me to draw conclusions.Cumulative frequency graphs for the IQ and number of TV hours watched per weekI will now analyze the graphs before move box plots to compare the graphs. The IQs graph is practically more erratic which means that the da ta is spread over a larger range. Although there is 1 area where the data is concentrated and the gradient very steep, between 95-105. The TV hours graph is much even and the data less spread. The data number of hours increases steadily to a certain point then it goes monotone until the end. This means that there is a n abnormal result somewhere. I know that it can only be 1 or 2 anomalous because the point where it goes flat is at about 38 and there are only 39 sets of data in the graph. I will now saying at the box plots to compare the two cumulative frequency graphs.Box plots for cumulative frequency graphs of IQ and number of TV hours watched for femalesThe box plots for these graphs show me that the IQ data has a much larger range and that it is quite evenly spread. I can see this because the interquartile range is quite large and the median evenly spread. There may be a a couple of(prenominal) exceptions as 1 pupil is likey to have a very low IQ which is wherefore the lo west value is so low. The TV hours data seems to be much more concentrated and the data is generally lower. This shows that there cant be any relationship between them as they each grouped in certain areas. Also the box plot for TV hours shows that there is likely to bge an anomalous result as the highest value is so far out of the focal ratio quartile.Hypothesis 2 MalesIn this hypothesis I will be comparing the Average number of TV hours watched per week and incubus, to see if there is any relationship between them. I will again start with Males and the Scatter graphs.Scatter graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between clog and the Average number of TV hours watched per week for malesIn these scatter graphs there is a slight negative correlation. This means that as the number of TV hours goes up Weight goes down. This may not be an accurate graph as there are a hardly a(prenominal) anomalous results that may have ca apply the trend line to be that gradient. If this is so my hypothesis would have been correct, if it is not the gradient of the trend line isnt steep enough to enunciate that it is 100% certain that it is accurate. I will need to use the cumulative frequency graphs to draw roll in the hay conclusions.Cumulative frequency graphs for the number of TV hours watched and Weights of malesThese two graphs look quite contrastive the weights graph has most of its data concentrated in the sum of the range, between 30-50 and looks like a normal cumulative frequency curve. Whereas the number of TV hours has most of its data concentrated at the beginning between 0-30, showing that there is likely to be an anomalous result at the end of the range. These anomalous results on the TV hours graph are what caused the slight negative correlation on the trend line. I will be able to make complete conclusions after looking at the female sample and seeing if that graph follows suit. The box plots for these graphs will look quite different and will make it ea sy to make a unprejudiced comparison.Box plots for Cumulative frequency graphs IQ and Weight for malesFrom the box plots I can see that the two sets of data are close selfsame(a) in range which would cause a straight line on the scatter graph it is because of the anomalous results on the TV hours which caused the slight negative correlation. The weights box plot shows me that the data is quite evenly spread in the middle of the range apart from a very heavy person at the end which is why the highest figure is so far apart from the upper quartile. Overall the box plots show me that the relation in the data means there is no relationship and hypothesis was correct.Hypothesis 2 FemalesAgain I will start with the scatter graphs to show the relationship between Number of TV hours watched and weight. The graphs should be similar to the males and the conclusions the same. Again I had an anomalous result and had to create a second scatter graph without it there.Scatter graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between the Number of TV hours watched per week and WeightThe second scatter graph in this section, without the anomalous result completely changed the trend line. The first graph looks a lot more like the male graph whereas the second follows my hypothesis a lot breach. In graph 1 there is a slight gradient on the graph which points towards a negative correlation, like those of the male sample. On the graph without the anomalous result there is clearly no correlation whatsoever as the line is nearly horizontal. I will take the results of the male sample to be wrong as I said early there are a few anomalous results which caused the trend line to be at that gradient. Now I will look at the cumulative frequency graphs to see what results I get from them.Cumulative frequency graphs for Average number of TV hours watched per week and Weight for FemalesAs on the males graph the TV hours for females have a lot of anomalous results. But for the scatter graphs I can celled them all out which gave no correlation. If the line at the top of the TV hours graph is blanked out the two graphs look almost identical. This is why the scatter graph got a near horizontal trend line. The box plots for these to graphs will look alike apart from there will be a much longer line at the end of the TV hours graph because of the anomalous results.Box plots of cumulative frequency graphs for Number of TV hours watched and weights of femalesThese box plots show me the same as the males did, that the data is almost identical if placed 1 on top of the other. This is what caused the horizontal line in my scatter graphs and proves my hypothesis.ConclusionHypothesis 1 My first hypothesis has been prove incorrect. The scatter graphs show that there is no correlation between the two sets of data. For my hypothesis to have been correct there would have indispensable to be a strong positive correlation. The cumulative frequency graphs and box plots again proved my hypothe sis incorrect, the similarities in the two sets of datas box plots showed that there was no relationship and showed why the scatter graphs showed a straight line. both(prenominal) the male and female samples showed that my hypothesis was incorrect although some anomalous results created a slight negative correlation in both it was obvious that it was still wrong.Hypothesis 2 My second hypothesis was proved correct. The scatter graphs showed that there was absolutely no correlation on the graphs which means no relationship. Although the male graphs did show a a negative correlation it was proved to be made by a few anomalous results by the cumulative frequency and later the inconsistency with the female sample. The female scatter graph showed a near horizontal trend line which was what I needed to prove my hypothesis. The similarities on the cumulative frequency graphs and box plots further proved my hypothesis was correct.EvaluationThe investigation went quite well although my firs t hypothjesis was incorrect it showed that careful analysis of data is needed before drawing conclusions. When I next do an investigation into data I will use histograms to aid me in my analysis as they come in useful when looking for relationships in two sets of data as the cumulative frequency graphs do. I could have made the cumulative frequency graphs a little better as the program I used did not put a scale on the x axis but only the duration of the range.Statistics Coursework1st Hypothesis For my first hypothesis I will investigate the relationship between the number of TV hours watched per week by the pupils against their IQ. I am going to use the columns IQ and Average number of hours TV watched per week taken from the Mayfield high datasheet. I think that there will be a relationship between them and will attempt to reveal it.2nd Hypothesis For my second hypothesis I will investigate the relationship between Average number of TV hours watched per week and weight (kg). I t hink that there will not be any major relationship between as they will not affect each other greatly.I will present my analysis and the results in graphs and tables and explain the results using the correlation of the graphs and arrangements of the figures.I will select a number of pupils to base my data on and will use random sampling to ascertain the correct number of male and female pupils needed to make the investigation fair.Stratified SamplingI do not want to use all of the data in the database for my analysis so I will need to take a sample of the number of people in the school. I would like to take about 10% of the overall figure. I will also need to use stratified sampling to make it an equal proportion of the number of males and females in the school to make it fair.The total number of pupils at the school is 813 so I will need to take 10% as my number, 81.3 is rounded down to 81.The overall ratio for boys and girls in the school is 414399Now I will need to do my sampling Males = 414 multiplied by 81 = 41813Females = 399 multiplied by 81 = 40813Random SamplingNow I have the number of samples I will need to select the samples I will be taking. To do this I will use random sampling. I will take random samples until I have 81. I can do this on Excel using the following formula = round(round()*120.Once I have gathered the samples I am ready to start analyzing my samples.AnalysisHypothesis 1 MalesThe first thing I need to do in my analysis is to analyze my graphs which are the source of the investigation. I have created scatter graphs to show the relationship if the two data sources for my first hypothesis. I have separated them into male and female graphs as there is a separation in the numbers.First male scatter graphThis first graph presented a bit of a problem. There was an anomalous result that affected the trend line and the scale of the graph. I decided to create a new graph that didnt include that 1 piece of data. This way it would help me to anal yze the rest of the data.Second male scatter graphThis graph showed the data much clearer and I could then start analyzing it. There is no correlation between the 2 sets of data. This means that it is unlikely that there is a relationship between IQ and Average number of TV hours watched per week. In this it may be that my hypothesis is incorrect. There is only a very slight gradient on the trendline that leans towards a negative correlation, but the gradient is not steep enough to draw any conclusions about the relationship between the two sets of data. I will have to use the cumulative frequency graphs and boxplots to see if any conclusions can be made.Cumulative frequency graphs for IQ and Average number of TV hours watched per weekFrom these graphs I could create box plots and compare the two sets of data. Before that I analyzed the cumulative frequency graphs to draw initial conclusions. The majority of the IQs for males are between 90 105, this shows that the data is quite sp read out as this section only covers a small area of the graph. For the TV hours graph, again the data is spread among 1 main area in this case it is between 5-25. There is almost a straight line near the top of the graph this shows that there is likely to be some anomalous results and 0 pupils in between that result and the main bulk. Now I will create box plots so I can compare the two graphs together.Box plots for cumulative frequency graphs of IQ and average number of TV hours watched per week (for interquartile ranges look at copies of graphs at the back)From the box plots I can see that the data spread is relatively the same apart from a possible anomalous result in the TV hours data. This similarity is the reason why the scatter graph had no correlation and therefore no relationship. This means that my hypothesis is wrong.Hypothesis 1 FemalesAgain I will start with the scatter graphs. As with the male graph I had an anomalous result that spread out the data and scale down the graph so most of the relevant data couldnt be analyzed. I then did another graph without that specific piece of data.Scatter Graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between IQ and average number of TV hours watched per week for FemalesAs you can see on both the graphs there is no correlation between the two sets of data. This again means that my first hypothesis is unlikely to be correct. There is only a slight gradient on the trend line which is not steep enough to draw any conclusions from it. There is another anomalous result on the graph but it doesnt affect the trend line and my conclusions so I left it on the graph. I will now crate cumulative frequency graphs to see if they can help me to draw conclusions.Cumulative frequency graphs for the IQ and number of TV hours watched per weekI will now analyze the graphs before drawing box plots to compare the graphs. The IQs graph is much more erratic which means that the data is spread over a larger range. Although there is 1 area w here the data is concentrated and the gradient very steep, between 95-105. The TV hours graph is much smoother and the data less spread. The data number of hours increases steadily to a certain point then it goes flat until the end. This means that there is a n anomalous result somewhere. I know that it can only be 1 or 2 anomalous because the point where it goes flat is at about 38 and there are only 39 sets of data in the graph. I will now look at the box plots to compare the two cumulative frequency graphs.Box plots for cumulative frequency graphs of IQ and number of TV hours watched for femalesThe box plots for these graphs show me that the IQ data has a much larger range and that it is quite evenly spread. I can see this because the interquartile range is quite large and the median evenly spread. There may be a few exceptions as 1 pupil is likey to have a very low IQ which is why the lowest value is so low. The TV hours data seems to be much more concentrated and the data is ge nerally lower. This shows that there cant be any relationship between them as they each grouped in certain areas. Also the box plot for TV hours shows that there is likely to bge an anomalous result as the highest value is so far out of the upper quartile.Hypothesis 2 MalesIn this hypothesis I will be comparing the Average number of TV hours watched per week and Weight, to see if there is any relationship between them. I will again start with Males and the Scatter graphs.Scatter graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between Weight and the Average number of TV hours watched per week for malesIn these scatter graphs there is a slight negative correlation. This means that as the number of TV hours goes up Weight goes down. This may not be an accurate graph as there are a few anomalous results that may have caused the trend line to be that gradient. If this is so my hypothesis would have been correct, if it is not the gradient of the trend line isnt steep enough to say that it is 100% certain that it is accurate. I will need to use the cumulative frequency graphs to draw complete conclusions.Cumulative frequency graphs for the number of TV hours watched and Weights of malesThese two graphs look quite different the weights graph has most of its data concentrated in the middle of the range, between 30-50 and looks like a normal cumulative frequency curve. Whereas the number of TV hours has most of its data concentrated at the beginning between 0-30, showing that there is likely to be an anomalous result at the end of the range. These anomalous results on the TV hours graph are what caused the slight negative correlation on the trend line. I will be able to make complete conclusions after looking at the female sample and seeing if that graph follows suit. The box plots for these graphs will look quite different and will make it easy to make a simple comparison.Box plots for Cumulative frequency graphs IQ and Weight for malesFrom the box plots I can see that the two sets of data are almost identical in range which would cause a straight line on the scatter graph it is because of the anomalous results on the TV hours which caused the slight negative correlation. The weights box plot shows me that the data is quite evenly spread in the middle of the range apart from a very heavy person at the end which is why the highest figure is so far apart from the upper quartile. Overall the box plots show me that the similarity in the data means there is no relationship and hypothesis was correct.Hypothesis 2 FemalesAgain I will start with the scatter graphs to show the relationship between Number of TV hours watched and weight. The graphs should be similar to the males and the conclusions the same. Again I had an anomalous result and had to create a second scatter graph without it there.Scatter graphs 1 and 2 to show the relationship between the Number of TV hours watched per week and WeightThe second scatter graph in this section, without the anomalous r esult completely changed the trend line. The first graph looks a lot more like the male graph whereas the second follows my hypothesis a lot better. In graph 1 there is a slight gradient on the graph which points towards a negative correlation, like those of the male sample. On the graph without the anomalous result there is clearly no correlation whatsoever as the line is nearly horizontal. I will take the results of the male sample to be wrong as I said earlier there are a few anomalous results which caused the trend line to be at that gradient. Now I will look at the cumulative frequency graphs to see what results I get from them.Cumulative frequency graphs for Average number of TV hours watched per week and Weight for FemalesAs on the males graph the TV hours for females have a lot of anomalous results. But for the scatter graphs I cancelled them all out which gave no correlation. If the line at the top of the TV hours graph is blanked out the two graphs look almost identical. T his is why the scatter graph got a near horizontal trend line. The box plots for these to graphs will look alike apart from there will be a much longer line at the end of the TV hours graph because of the anomalous results.Box plots of cumulative frequency graphs for Number of TV hours watched and weights of femalesThese box plots show me the same as the males did, that the data is almost identical if placed 1 on top of the other. This is what caused the horizontal line in my scatter graphs and proves my hypothesis.ConclusionHypothesis 1 My first hypothesis has been proved incorrect. The scatter graphs show that there is no correlation between the two sets of data. For my hypothesis to have been correct there would have needed to be a strong positive correlation. The cumulative frequency graphs and box plots again proved my hypothesis incorrect, the similarities in the two sets of datas box plots showed that there was no relationship and showed why the scatter graphs showed a straig ht line. Both the male and female samples showed that my hypothesis was incorrect although some anomalous results created a slight negative correlation in both it was obvious that it was still wrong.Hypothesis 2 My second hypothesis was proved correct. The scatter graphs showed that there was absolutely no correlation on the graphs which means no relationship. Although the male graphs did show a a negative correlation it was proved to be made by a few anomalous results by the cumulative frequency and later the inconsistency with the female sample. The female scatter graph showed a near horizontal trend line which was what I needed to prove my hypothesis. The similarities on the cumulative frequency graphs and box plots further proved my hypothesis was correct.EvaluationThe investigation went quite well although my first hypothjesis was incorrect it showed that careful analysis of data is needed before drawing conclusions. When I next do an investigation into data I will use histogra ms to aid me in my analysis as they come in useful when looking for relationships in two sets of data as the cumulative frequency graphs do. I could have made the cumulative frequency graphs a little better as the program I used did not put a scale on the x axis but only the length of the range.
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